About Us

The history

Like any good story, ours begins from the heart of a friendship, which by destiny and not by planning, also became a prosperous business partnership.
The creators of Mi Querencia: Lore Manzo and Nena Brito.
Lore, a hard-working, persevering and extremely intelligent girl!!! If you don't know, you find out and learn. She is a friend, with a huge and supportive heart. Your Nonna
He is his inspiration and great example.
Babe, designer by profession, compulsive traveler and faithful defender of happiness, cassava and stone plum. Venezuela is his passion!
Mi Querencia began one day in 2016, while Lore and Nena were walking through the aisles of Harvest Market looking for ingredients for a BBQ. There they were intercepted by the owner of the supermarket, who made them a wonderful proposal: create a
"Venezuelan Corner" inside Harvest Market.
With an emotion that did not fit in their chest, and from scratch, they undertook the adventure of bringing a little piece of their beloved Venezuela to Katy Texas, offering products that would take us back to childhood, to grandma's kitchen, to the cantina of school, at the table with the family...
Time passed, and years of work, effort, sacrifice and a lot of love bore fruit... My Querencia grew!!! And in 2023 it opens its borders to Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Central America, Mexico, and others...
Along with growth, a new concept is born: giving families in the community the opportunity to have their own business within our space.

Mi Querencia is run mostly by women, who give a unique magic to this place.
Today we are more than shelves full of products from different countries, we are friendship, passion, a sense of belonging, we are our roots, the place where we celebrate our heritage, our longings, cultures, flavors... a place where we feel at home again.
And now you are part of this story. Rediscover the products that will transport you to happy moments and dare to discover the new flavors that
Mi Querencia Latin Market brings it to you.

Thank you for joining us and supporting us on this beautiful adventure!!!